Thursday, 26 July 2012


So from the blog title, you can see, today I’m going to blog about GIRLS! SO LET’S EMBARK ON OUR WEIRD AND NONSENSICAL JOURNEY FULL OF COLOURFUL VIBRATING UNICORNS!

To start, women make the most contradicting statements! And the most annoying thing is that we refuse to admit that sometimes it’s our mistake! Bwahha! I’m guilty alright!! It’s like my dad would ask me “Hey, you want bubble tea? I’ll go and buy.” Then I’ll be a bitch and say something like “mehh, I’m on a diet~” AND THEN BAM! When I see my dad slurping on his smooth ice blended Oreo shake, I’ll just grab the cup and drink the whole damn thing! So how do you really please girls in such situations? Bring them to the bubble tea shop, and then let them contemplate till their deathbeds as to whether they want that sexy bubble tea or not. What do you mean they don’t want to follow? Just tell them that you’re going out for a walk as an excuse, and then con them into drinking that 400kcals drink. It won’t be your fault anyway since they made the choice themselves J and you can laugh at them secretly when they start to complain that it’s your fault that they drank that evil juice earlier on.

Now about the small things that get on our nerves that piss us off when we’re PMS-ing!
1.       Don’t be a dick.
2.       Don’t be too loud.
3.       Just shut up when we refuse to talk.
4.       Respect us, and people around you. Cause we can’t stand to watch guys being dicks to other girls other than us(except when we hate her).
Or maybe you can slap the shit out of us when we give you our shitty attitude, just kidding; you wouldn’t want to be smacked with period blood on your face. DON’T MESS WITH GIRLS WHEN THEY’RE HAVING THEIR PERIOD AND JUST GO WITH THE FLOW :D GEDDIT?! THE FLOW! Okay...

Secondly, DON’T EVER compare our cramp’s pain level to anything. Cause until you feel it, you won’t understand what we actually mean by “i need to curl into a ball and drink something hot to ease this pain just to wait for it to get back again after 5 seconds”  kind of pain alright! And having our period is not fun, because it’s messy, uncomfortable like something constantly leaking, and some of us do have unbearable cramps like really, just kill us already. And the pad is not cheap either, unless you buy it from other countries like Thailand, cause based on my experience, the some brand of sanitary pads sold in Thailand and Singapore is like super a lot cheaper there, like maybe they sell it for $2 while Singapore sells it for like $5-$8 for a damn packet of pads. Sorry I sidetrack a bit haha! 

Also when your girlfriend is gossiping about some bitch she hates, DO NOT! EVER! support the evil ugly bitch! That's like seeking for your own death, or you just feel like dying today. Just agree with them, or you can say something like "OMG WHAT?! SHE'S SUCH A BITCH!" or "Eww" or "what a bitch.. I can bro-fist her face." just something like that to make your girlfriend feel better in a sense or just to make her happy. 

Always use smileys when texting her, cause to us, no smileys = not interested. Well, at least to me..

But don’t worry my brudda! If you’re a guy and you’re reading this! Girls may be weird however so, but just treat her with respect and PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE I BEG OF YOU! HAVE A MIND OF YOUR OWN! Don’t always let the girl make a decision! Be confident and sure of what you want, but make sure you give her a chance to give her suggestions and opinions from time to time, sometimes we like to feel like we’re sort of in control in certain occasions too! Just let us contribute more and you may also voice out your opinions and go with the flow, what’s important is that all of you are happy!

I don’t know about every girl, but I’m pretty sure that I would prefer (when I’m in a relationship) that both parties can speak up for themselves and express how the truly feel, cause when a guy keeps his opinion to himself, I think it’s just bothers him more and more in future, and if you tell us, we can improve ourselves right? But overall, sometimes we don’t understand ourselves too, so on certain days of the month, you’ll just have to bear with us for a little and I think basic respect for a girl is the most important after all. 

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Hi guys, it's been a week since I've posted and judging from the blog title, you probably won't know what "first special experience" means.. A few weeks back, while I was chatting with BFF, basically I went to the back of the class to look for her and we just chat for the whole day, and while talking about our future, we found out that we actually had the same idea of "I just wanna have a memory that will last forever and that I can actually look back (literally) and laugh at myself.." And that meant, VIDEOS! 

I have always been very fond of being in front of the camera, and I also believe in the power of media, it's like many things can happen overnight and you just don't know when "it's your time to shine"! And being much of a globetrotter since young, thanks to my caring father, I've been to many different countries and every time I'm at a foreign place, I always see my dad holding his flip camcorder walking around and doing some "voice overs" behind the camera. Even though this small touristy act did not make sense me when I was younger, but now I realize how much memories it can bring back just by watching that 15minutes clip of my family. It's like part of your life is in that clip! It's actually quite magical. About a few months ago, my grandma found a cassette tape of my recorded Europe trip when I was just 5 years old. It was of course very heart warming to watch and it brought back lots of memories! Not only I can REMEMBER the details, I can SEE the details with my own eyes.

So after lots of discussions, BFF and I decided that the best medium for us is actually YouTube! And as far as I know, both BFF and I has been YouTube nerds for like the LONGEST time! I'm not sure about her, but I'm pretty sure that I'm addicted to YouTube.
Even though there might be a chance that we will get famous, that's not the main point of us making YouTube videos, it's not about the fame but just something that we can look back at in future when we're older, or when we are sad in future and we can watch our own videos(as loserly as I might sound) and just LAUGH at ourselves, cause I'm fucking humorous! We have also set Friday as our "FILMING FRIDAY" and basically we just adapt ideas from our daily school life and make it into a videos about our thought on stuffs and etc etc. So, moving on to...


Last Friday, which is after Racial Harmony day, BFF and I went to my house and got ready for filming our first video! And since we shared the common dream, that is to be a youtuber and wanna laugh at ourselves cause we're weird and nonsensical. We decided to do the "Friendship Tag" tag video! It turned out quite a success, though the quality, or I'd rather say the focus of the camera wasn't well controlled, but we promise that the videos would be of much better quality in future! Even though the video is only 15minutes, but god knows how long we spent to prepare beforehand! And our bags were freaking heavy in the morning, we had our tripod, camera, laptop and all the gadgets with us since morning. If you're interested in watching our video, I'll be posting it below after the pictures. And I stole the pictures from BFF.

Camera set up, taken by BFF.

3 BFFs

VIVIEN, AMELIA, ME, BFF (SIOWQI)! From left to right.



Monday, 9 July 2012

What I want

Right now in life I can safely say that there's nothing really I could ask more for.. But there are of course a few exceptions like money. I mean, you can never have enough money right? Not that I don't have enough money to use. And I should be grateful for that, and furthermore i'm a student. How much money do I really need? The second thing is control. I need to be in control of my studies, myself and also need to find motivation to work hard towards my Olevels yeh! 

Anyway a very random change of subject, I'm going to HK during the September holidays and although it will be a short trip I'm pretty excited!! The last time i went there was when I was about 7/8 YO. So the memory is quite vague and since I was that young, I didn't fully utilize the time I'm there for shopping and the last time I went there, there was no Disney Land yet instead they had underwater world. Which, in my opinion and from what I can remember was quite boring or I forgot all of the things I did there except eating and quarreling with my brother and throwing a hissy fit in the hotel room haha! 

In future, I hope I can travel to Maldives and go fishing there, and to Japan, Taiwan and California! I hope I would be able to save up enough money to pay for my own air ticket to new zealand too so I can visit siying and she could also give me a tour or something hehe! Anyway, Si Ying is coming back to SG in 3 weeks! Super stoked for her arrival and I'm already planning several activities we could do and places to makan(eat)!  


Sunday, 8 July 2012

Orgasmic virgin post.

HI GUYS! THIS IS MY ORGASMIC FIRST POST ON THIS BLOG! Above is me (goat hair) and Vivien muahaha! We took this after tuition one day cause it was the "in thing" to do right, make a gif and share with your friends.. But that doesn't mean that we're followers! We're leaders! Today I went shopping alone @ ion orchard's Sephora and I got burt's bees lip shimmer for Wen Shing and Siow Qi, eye serum for polythene(my mum) and of course some stupid vain stuff for myself too! Please don't call me a loner just because I go shopping at orchard alone cause I refuse to believe that :) Alright, I think that's all for today now, having stupid revisions tomorrow in school, exams only starts at 11.30 and we have to be there at 7.15 to do 3 hour revisions for WHAT?! FOR MCQ MY DEAR.. And the irony is that they said "last minute revision is no use"! Dear god even though I'm not a follower of Christ, please give me the strength not to burn down my school.